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Michel Faas





Educational background

Business Administration MER at The Hague University of Applied Sciences

Hobbies and other interests

Music, exercise, gaming.

Work as Growth Lead | Performance Marketing

Either you work with us and know some of the members of our team, or you ”happened” to come across – coincidental, of course, is never coincidental when dealing with a marketing agency – stumbled upon our website. You may already know how we work and what we do. But how much do you actually know about our team? Who are the faces behind the laptops and what is their vision?

Growth Lead | Performance Marketeer Michel Faas introduces himself.

Why are you working in the marketing field?

Marketing, like sales, is one of those skills that everyone should master to some extent in my opinion. In order to get something done, you have to be able to convince and enthuse people with a cool and catchy message for them.</span

Why did you choose to work at Bammboo?

By being involved in the growth process at several companies, I will be able to have more impact. The diversity of assignments is also very nice. You learn a lot of skills, in the area of marketing, project management and stakeholder management.

What do you find the most interesting area of marketing? What is your specialty?

I think the most important thing about marketing is to get the right message to the right person. Good marketing is not annoying, but an addition to everyone’s life. Who wouldn’t want the marketing you see to be relevant to you and point you to useful new products and services?

What did you learn at Bammboo?

A lot of the things I know started at a series of trainings from Bammboo during a traineeship. I got these when I wasn’t working there yet. After that, I worked on developing all the skills myself on a broad basis. Working at Bammboo allows me to develop those skills further. The team is also very involved in personal development, and that motivates me.

What do you still want to learn in this profession/what are you currently working on to grow into?

I especially want to become very good at the whole of the growth process in teams. So that makes me someone who develops as a generalist. However, I do have some things that I’m good at. That’s particularly lead generation through campaigns. I also know how to make myself useful with data, SEO, and CRO.</span

What are you working on at a personal level (and not work-related) when it comes to growth?

I enjoy playing sports and making music. Therefore, I develop myself in those areas as well. So sometimes taking a new instrument to learn it is really fun. My latest acquisitions are an electric piano and a ukulele. Besides that, with sports I am working on strength. I want to be able to lift heavier and heavier.</span

What is your recommendation for growth hacking on life?

Everything you want to be able to do takes time, but you eventually can accomplish. Only your attitude is often a bit slower in developing. Make sure you are happy with what you get, without resigning yourself to it when things get tough. Sounds contradictory, but this works great for me in maintaining peace and preventing stress. I think the key is to make choices that you can influence and to accept what you can’t.</span

What’s on your bucket list?

I don’t really have a bucket list. Of course I want to travel like everyone else, but I also look forward to life in general. I hope I can always be as content with what is thrown at me as I already am.</span

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